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Become a Sponsor of SBCV's Regional Work
Donations to Smart Beginnings help support Early Childhood Education in Central Virginia in the following ways:
  • Helps SBCV provide a high quality, annual conference for educators and caregivers, at little or no cost to participants
  • Providing books and other learning materials to childcare centers and preschool classrooms
  • Offering professional development opportunities that increase the availability of quality early learning programs for children
  • Keeps Gus the Learning Bus on the road, visiting neighborhoods, early learning programs, and participating at community events
  • Helps SBCV to provide the ExCELL (Excellence in Early Language and Literacy) to our regional public preschool programs
  • Providing hours of free, technical assistance and coaching to childcare programs across multiple settings - public, private, licensed, and home-based childcare



Donations to Smart Beginnings

A donation to Smart Beginnings can help in the following ways:

  • $1,000 provides more than 300 books for the annual Read for the Record event

  • $2,500 enables nearly 100 hours of operation for the Smart Beginnings Literacy Bus or provides the Incredible Years Parent Education group to families with young children.

  • $5000 provides monthly, on-site mentoring and guidance each month for 12 childcare programs for one year.

  • $10,000 provides materials and improvements that enhance the quality of early childhood education to 25 childcare or preschool programs.


Smaller donations are welcome and add to the success of all Smart Beginnings activities.  Thank you for your support!


Karen Wesley

Director, Smart Beginnings CV

United Way Building

1010 Miller Park Square

Lyncnhburg, VA. 24501

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